I sent Richard an email he replied with a certified letter. The letter has been copied, The black is my original email. The red is Richards reply and the blue is my comment back. Hope this updates everyone until I get another update. If you have any questions you want answered email me or comment on the site, maybe Richard will answer the questions. They read Christie's blog often.
Becky Williams
What did the Dr. do for Christie's feet when she went to see him on December 17? Did he do any test and If he did tests what were the results?
He did a standing test and that a botox treatment was need with series of therapies to follow. If there is no results then he recommends a surgery to cut the tendons a certain way that will stop the contracation issue.
That was on the 17Th and I am just now finding out about it , how did the standing test go? Will cuting the tendons help her to walk?
Is Christie still making an effort to speak? If so how many words can she say now. I know she was saying three or four words at FINR.
She is still limited at speech due to her vocal cords. She was evaluated by a doctor who believes she is a candidate for injections in her vocal cords. FCC will schedule an appointment to see the doctor that does the injections to see if he concurs. We heard her speak several words the day after Christmas as we were visiting with her. She just needs encouragement.
Again just now hearing about the injections.
Are the bladder control attempts still being made every two hours and if so how is that going? What about bowel movement control? Are they working with her on that?
They keep her on a schedule for those issues.
When we were there, they never tried the bed pan, nor was she on a schedule, they changed her once the whole time we were there for the whole day. Not every 2 hours as recommended.
Has she gotten her hearing aides yet and if she has do they seem to make a difference in her being able to communicate better?
She has not received her hearing aides yet. They have been ordered. When she does, I am sure communication will be easier.
When will she be getting her new braces for her feet? One of the aides said she hasn't been wearing the braces from FINR but is getting treatments and will be getting new braces for her feet? When we were there this month I noticed her feet have dropped again.
She does wear the braces I bought her, but her tendons are contracting again as previously mentioned so it makes it difficult. She was actually wearing her shoes when we saw her.
Christie was wearing shoes when we where there to, but didn’t wear the braces once the 4 days we where there.
How often does she go to therapy and what kind of therapy is she getting?
She goes everyday from what I have been shown. I met with her occupational therapist on the 26Th.
Christie only had occupational therapy once in the 4 days we were there, and no other therapy.
How often is she checked by a Dr?
Her next appointment is for the neurologist around April 17Th.The last Dr. that checked on her was the 23rd of Dec.
What was the results of that? What was checked? What kind of Doctor?
When is her next swallow test scheduled? Are you going to be able to go with her when she has this test done? Maybe you could ask them to schedule her Dr's appointments on your days off so you could go with her and keep her company and give her a more secure feeling.
Her next swallow study is 3 months from the last one.
Are you going to go with her?
Now that you have finished the paper work will you please give her Dr's, caregivers, nurses, and administrator at the nursing home permission to update me about Christie.
I will continue to update you. FCC has instruction that they can give you information on Christies progress, but I will take care of her medical care and needs.
All they tell me is if she is awake, a sleep or doing O.K. no details.
When do you expect to be able to get her a TTY phone so I can at least call her and talk to her? I don't mind using the regular phone if you will just authorize the nursing facility to install a hearing impaired phone for her to use. If that doesn't work then you can try getting the ones talked about in the blog. I don't want her to feel abandoned because she can't communicate with me and I with her.
I haven’t gotten a date on a TTY phone. Once the doctors fully assess her needs, they will customize her phone.
Christie only has 15 months of recovery time left. How much time do they need? The brain only has 2 years of recovery time after a traumatic brain Injury.
Has she expressed anything that she wants? I know she wanted bunny slippers when she was at FINR and we went and got her a pair of bedroom shoes. Has she asked for anything specific and is there anything that I can get for her?
No, she only expresses the desire to walk, which is understandable.
When we where there she continually asked to come home, as well as asks for me everyday.
Will you give the nursing home permission to let Katrina and her children go back to visit Christie? Also can Paula and her family go to visit?
Katrina is not able to visit and Paula and her son can visit if you are there.
What’s the deal with that. Christie needs friends and visitors. Why can’t Paula and Aaron visit when I’m not there that would be more visitors more often.
When Christie was at FINR I asked if there were some youth groups from some of the local churches that might be able to go in and visit her from time to time. Just to have someone to go see her on a regular basis with adult supervision of course. Would you consider checking into something like that for her?
Christie is not at FINR any more and has improved in health. The social Director at FCC does her job well. I will be speaking with her soon in reference to Christie’s abilities to go on field trips with the other kids if the doctors think that it would be safe for her to be away from the facility. The Social Director said that Christie is becoming more social and settled which helps Christie. Christie enjoys being near the nurses station to see whats going on and wave at those who pass by.
When we where there Christie continued to ask where she was and why she was there. Doesn’t seem like she is settled to me.
In regards to the complaint against FCC,
Wasn’t a complaint it was a question. I was the one being accused of taking the missing items.
FCC had to notify me as Christie’s guardian Why not as her Dad and asked if I knew of the whereabouts claimed to be missing. The only one I felt very unsure of was the two sided quilt. I was told by phone a couple of days later that the two sided quilt was not seen arriving from FINR and had been that it had been soiled so FINR was washing it. I hope Christie’s name was on it. Yes it was. The other items are believed to be located at this time. FINR sent it to FCC along with Christie’s Nuruto dolls. She has the dolls, but no quilt.
Richard Martel
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
No new information
I don't have anything to comment on as far as Christie's health. The last email I got from Richard was December 17, telling me he was glad I got to spend time with Christie. I have emailed him asking for an update or to let the nursing home update me, but as of yet haven't gotten a reply. I know there was a Christmas Party at the nursing home on Tuesday, but don't know how it went or if Richard was with Christie on Tuesday or anytime over the holiday. You would think if he where, he would call me so he could write messages for me and Christie since he won't make the nursing home provide the services that is required by law and get a TTD phone installed Christie has been there for 2 months already.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Merry Christmas all. I just got back from seeing Christie for Christmas. Mama, Daddy, Pepper, me and Xander went. We left here on Saturday and got there Saturday night. It took us 14 hours it was 775 miles.
Sunday when we got there we had to wait down stairs I guess they had to call Richard to let him know we were there, I don't know why we waited. When we went upstairs Christie was sitting at the nurses station.I tried to get a picture of her face, but the desk was in the way. She mouthed the words so plain it was as if she hollered "OH MY GOD" She was so happy.
We went to her room, and we wrote notes back and forth.We brought her a Christmas tree with fiber optic lights. Christie and Xander decorated it with a little help from me. We also went to the park. When we came back from the park we rolled passed 3 cats that where outside Christie made kissing sounds and put her hand out for the cats. We had a beautiful day.
Monday when we got there Christie was in the activities room watching Harry Potter. I brought my laptop so it would be easier for her to talk with us, she can type faster than she can write. We brought her presents and put them under the tree. Paula , Aaron and David came to visit as well. Sunday the facility called Richard to see if they could visit Monday. Richard said they could visit as long as I was there, but no one else could visit, I asked them why I had to be there Christie needed people to visit when I wasn't there, but they didn't have an answer.We all had fun laughing and catching up with Christie.
Tuesday when we got there Christie was still in bed. We talked on the laptop and I asked her did she want to go outside to the park or open her presents.Christie said that was a hard choice but she choose opening the presents.Christie opened her presents and really had fun. One of the things I took her was a scrapbook I made her with 200 pictures in it. It had like 54 pages. We spent the rest of the afternoon looking at the book together, it was so much fun. She would point to the pictures and talk to me about them she doesn't realize we can't hear what she says. At one time she leaned over and was "whispering " in my ear. If I had had it I would have given a million dollars to know what she was whispering to me. It was so much like before the wreck when we would talk. I miss talking to her and hearing her voice. Her Papa gave her a giant word find she would point to it and then herself asking if it was hers. The CNA'S came in to give her a bath and then was going to put her to bed for the night because she had been up all day so we left. When we came back Wednesday morning Christie had found 5 words in her word book she even crossed out the words she found.
Wednesday when we got there Christie was still in bed.We typed on the computer and talked. Xander wanted to play with Christie's horse, so I asked her by typing if Xander could play with it.She wrote back yes, if he doesn't break it. Christie stayed in bed until 1:00, the CNA's came in to get her ready for an appointment I ask where she was going They said they couldn't tell me and that I wasn't allowed to go with her. I called Richard at work because I wanted to know where Christie was going. The woman who answered the phone said she would have him call me. Richard didn't call me instead Philip called me and told me Richard was working and couldn't receive non emergent calls. I told Philip I wanted to know where Christie was going he said to take it up with Richard I said I couldn't because Richard wouldn't talk to me on the phone. Philip also said I would not call Richard at work again. I told him I would call him if I thought I needed to. He wasn't telling me what I could and couldn't do.Philip said if I called Richard at work again he would take the legal action he needed to ,to see that I didn't do it again. I told him to take his best shot. Christie left to go to the doctor, so we left.I called at 6:30, and she still wasn't back.I called later to see if she was back and they said yes, but didn't know what time it was when she got back. I wanted to stay the whole day with her, but we headed back home.I don't know when I will see her again.
Christie kept asking to come home for me to please, please take her home. I told her she had to get well first. She said she was. Christie doesn't understand she can't walk or talk. When they would come in to feed Christie she would open her mouth and try to get them to put the liquid in her mouth. Please keep praying for her and for her to be happy.
Sunday when we got there we had to wait down stairs I guess they had to call Richard to let him know we were there, I don't know why we waited. When we went upstairs Christie was sitting at the nurses station.I tried to get a picture of her face, but the desk was in the way. She mouthed the words so plain it was as if she hollered "OH MY GOD" She was so happy.
We went to her room, and we wrote notes back and forth.We brought her a Christmas tree with fiber optic lights. Christie and Xander decorated it with a little help from me. We also went to the park. When we came back from the park we rolled passed 3 cats that where outside Christie made kissing sounds and put her hand out for the cats. We had a beautiful day.
Monday when we got there Christie was in the activities room watching Harry Potter. I brought my laptop so it would be easier for her to talk with us, she can type faster than she can write. We brought her presents and put them under the tree. Paula , Aaron and David came to visit as well. Sunday the facility called Richard to see if they could visit Monday. Richard said they could visit as long as I was there, but no one else could visit, I asked them why I had to be there Christie needed people to visit when I wasn't there, but they didn't have an answer.We all had fun laughing and catching up with Christie.
Tuesday when we got there Christie was still in bed. We talked on the laptop and I asked her did she want to go outside to the park or open her presents.Christie said that was a hard choice but she choose opening the presents.Christie opened her presents and really had fun. One of the things I took her was a scrapbook I made her with 200 pictures in it. It had like 54 pages. We spent the rest of the afternoon looking at the book together, it was so much fun. She would point to the pictures and talk to me about them she doesn't realize we can't hear what she says. At one time she leaned over and was "whispering " in my ear. If I had had it I would have given a million dollars to know what she was whispering to me. It was so much like before the wreck when we would talk. I miss talking to her and hearing her voice. Her Papa gave her a giant word find she would point to it and then herself asking if it was hers. The CNA'S came in to give her a bath and then was going to put her to bed for the night because she had been up all day so we left. When we came back Wednesday morning Christie had found 5 words in her word book she even crossed out the words she found.
Wednesday when we got there Christie was still in bed.We typed on the computer and talked. Xander wanted to play with Christie's horse, so I asked her by typing if Xander could play with it.She wrote back yes, if he doesn't break it. Christie stayed in bed until 1:00, the CNA's came in to get her ready for an appointment I ask where she was going They said they couldn't tell me and that I wasn't allowed to go with her. I called Richard at work because I wanted to know where Christie was going. The woman who answered the phone said she would have him call me. Richard didn't call me instead Philip called me and told me Richard was working and couldn't receive non emergent calls. I told Philip I wanted to know where Christie was going he said to take it up with Richard I said I couldn't because Richard wouldn't talk to me on the phone. Philip also said I would not call Richard at work again. I told him I would call him if I thought I needed to. He wasn't telling me what I could and couldn't do.Philip said if I called Richard at work again he would take the legal action he needed to ,to see that I didn't do it again. I told him to take his best shot. Christie left to go to the doctor, so we left.I called at 6:30, and she still wasn't back.I called later to see if she was back and they said yes, but didn't know what time it was when she got back. I wanted to stay the whole day with her, but we headed back home.I don't know when I will see her again.
Christie kept asking to come home for me to please, please take her home. I told her she had to get well first. She said she was. Christie doesn't understand she can't walk or talk. When they would come in to feed Christie she would open her mouth and try to get them to put the liquid in her mouth. Please keep praying for her and for her to be happy.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
No News
I haven't gotten any updates. I think Christie was to have a botox injection for her legs today and be refitted for new braces, but I haven't gotten any confirmation.As soon as I hear I will update.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Directions From
Angie & Philip's where Richard lives
Restricted, Port Charlotte, FL 33980-4804
Directions To
Florida Club Care Where Christie is
220 Sierra Dr Miami, FL 33179-3855
Total Estimated Time: 2 hours 48 minutes Total Estimated Distance: 177.85 miles
I'm sorry I'm not able to update you on Christie first hand however being 14 hours away from her and having to rely fully on the information from her guardian it's hard to get the facts to be able to pass on to you. I wish I was close enough to visit her everyday or at least once a week, but it's impossible to do when your working, raising a 4 year old and keep some semblance of normalcy in his life. This has been a big adjustment for him to, because he misses his sissy. I will keep you informed as I am informed.Thanks for your prayers, love and dedication.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Call before you visit
Katrina a family friend who has been visiting Christie since she was at FINR went to visit today and was asked to leave. Richard has made a list of who could visit and who can't. Katrina asked if she was on the list, they said no that Richard had specifically said Katrina couldn't visit. I wonder why. Katrina is a neuropsychologist as well as a friend who lives in Miami and was visiting weekly. When Katrina was there she would send me pictures and visit with Christie so she wasn't so lonely.Katrina would take her children to interact with Christie they would play ball and talk with Christie with the letter board. It concerns me because Christie has so few visitors and now she is limited more. Katrina and her children were such a positive influence in her recovery.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Got an email from Richard, Christie failed the swallow test, she will take another one in about 3 months. I'm glad he let me know but I wish he would call instead of making me wait all day to get home and check my email.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Email from Richard
I got a email from Richard letting me know that on Dec. 8, Christie will be fitted for hearing aides so they can be ordered.Christie will have another treatment for her legs on the 11, and new braces will be ordered. I'm still waiting on the swallow test results.
I'll let you know about the swallow test as soon as I know.
I'll let you know about the swallow test as soon as I know.
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About Christie
- Becky Williams
- I am Becky, Christie's Mom and I want to tell you about Christie. Christie is a beautiful, outgoing, and caring person. She loves outside, turtles, frogs, birds all kinds of animals especially horses. Christie has talked about maybe becoming a vet. Christie was injured in a car wreck on April 19,2008. Christie has a severe globial brain injury where they had to remove the whole left tempral lobe. This blog is to share Christie's story. She is a fighter, and she is making a recovery that no one thought she would.
This is a truly BEAUTIFUL piece. Please Read this at a slow pace, digesting every word and in Leisure...do not hurry... This is a treasure...
>For those lucky to still be blessed with your Mom,This is beautiful. For those of us who aren't, this is Even more beautiful. For those who are moms, you'll love this.
>The young mother set her foot on the path of life. 'Is This the long way?' she asked. And the guide said:'Yes, and the way is hard. And you will be old before you reach the end of it... But The end will be better than the beginning.'
But the young mother was happy, and she would not Believe that anything could be better than these years. So she Played with her children, and gathered flowers for Them along the way, and bathed them in the clear streams; and The sun shone on them, and the young Mother cried,'Nothing will ever be lovelier than this.'
>Then the night came, and the storm, and the path was Dark, and the children shook with fear and cold, and the mother Drew them close and covered them with her mantle, and the children said, 'Mother, we are not afraid, for you are near, and no harm can come.'
>And the morning came, and there was a hill ahead, and The children climbed and grew weary, and the mother was weary. But at all times she said to the children,' A little patience and we are there.'So the children climbed, and when they reached the top They said, 'Mother, we would not have done it without you.'
>And the mother, when she lay down at night looked up At the stars and said, 'This is a better day than the last, for my Children have learned fortitude in the face of hardness.Yesterday I gave them courage. Today, I've given them strength.'
>And the next day came strange clouds which darkened The earth, clouds of war and hate and evil, and the children groped And stumbled, and the mother said: 'Look up. Lift your eyes to the light. ' And the children looked and saw above the clouds An everlasting glory, and it guided them beyond the Darkness. And that night the Mother said, 'This is the best day of all, for I have shown my children God.'
>And the days went on, and the weeks and the months and The years, and the mother grew old and she was little and bent. But her children were tall and strong, and walked with Courage. And when the way was rough, they lifted her, For she was as light as a feather; and at last they came to a hill,And beyond they could see a shining road and golden gates flung wide. And Mother said, 'I have reached the end of my journey. And now I know the end Is better than the beginning, for my children can Walk alone, and their children after them.'
>And the children said, 'You will always walk with us, Mother, even when you have gone through the gates.'And they stood and watched her as she went on alone, and the gates Closed after her. And they said: 'We cannot see her But she is with us still. A Mother like ours is more than a memory. She Is a living presence.......'
>Your Mother is always with you... She's the whisper Of the leaves as you walk down the street; she's the smell of bleach In your freshly laundered socks; she's the cool hand On your brow when you're not well. Your Mother lives Inside your laughter. And she's crystallized in every tear drop. She's the place you came from, your first home; and she's the map you follow with every step you take. She's your first love And your first heartbreak, and nothing on earth can Separate you.Not time, not space... Not even death!